“The problem isn’t with “real” gluten free recipes…”
She said, with a warm smile.
Actually, the problem is when we “ruin” traditional gluten recipes…
You see…
You can’t “swap” the gluten out – but keep the rest of a traditional recipe the same. Baking doesn’t work that way. You need an entirely different recipe.
The truth is…
You don’t need gluten in baking – In fact, you can actually bake better, without gluten…
Gluten just “does a job” – But other ingredients “do that job better”.
Gluten’s job is to create texture and rise – But other ingredients can create textures and flavors, which work better with each recipe.
You just need the right ingredients for the job.
You see, non-gluten ingredients have a much wider range of flavors and textures... They behave differently. So you need to match them carefully with the food you want to bake.
Therefore you can’t just “swap” ingredients, but keep the rest of the recipe the same.
That’s just a recipe for disaster!