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Bake Unlimited Fresh, “Bite-Worthy” Gluten-Free Sourdough At Home

The Ultimate Guide For Baking Sourdough, with all the Tools, Ingredients, and recipes delivered to your door.

It’s a new kind of Sourdough bread - more healthful, more tasty, more you...

Crispy and chewy on the outside and perfectly soft in the middle, it unfolds a cascade of irresistible flavors with each mouthwatering bite.

Serve a slice to your husband, and he’ll shout, “Oh my” as he smiles from ear to ear...

Bring it to an event, and your friends will say, “Fabulous!” as they beg you for the recipe...

And here’s the best part...

Unlike traditional bread that’s loaded with harmful ingredients like white flour and sugar and many additives - this new bread is actually healthy!

It Tastes Too Good to Be Gluten-Free...

But it is!

And want to send you this beginner friendly Gluten-free Sourdough recipe, along 20+ more recipes for Bread, Pizza, Crackers and even Sourdough Pancakes - for FREE!
With our Gluten-Free Sourdough Baking Bundle, you can easily bake loaf after loaf of bakery-quality gluten-free sourdough bread from your own oven.

This convenient bundle gives amateur bakers like you everything needed for gluten-free sourdough success:
  • Our acclaimed Gluten Free Sourdough Baking Masterclass to take you from beginner to artisan baker with step-by-step to bake your first loaf.(Worth $47).
  • ​20+ drool-worthy gluten-free recipes with pro tips for impressive loaves every time
  • ​Premium tools to start, proof and bake the perfect loaf.
    Everything delivered to your home in a single box!
  • ​Sourdough starter with a mature gluten-free culture, so you can skip weeks of frustrating trial and error.
  • Our “House Flour Blend” including all ingredients pre-mixed -to you save time and money.
Simply select your baker’s box. Open it up. And instantly fall in love with sourdough baking!!

How it would be to experience the heartwarming, heavenly aromas of naturally gluten-free sourdough bread… 

… With sweet fresh baked smells rising from your kitchen oven… flowing through your family home, and putting peaceful smiles on your family’s faces.

Whether that’s luscious sandwich bread for your family to take with them into the world… Or beautiful bread rolls – ideal for fancy dinners… The type of bread that your friends love to eat…

Maybe big fluffy chunky baguettes, perfect for a picnic with your family on a sunny afternoon.

And of course, kitchen staple everyone seems to be going crazy for - A perfectly baked classic loaf of sourdough bread.
I’m so excited for you to take your first bite of beautiful sourdough baking…

… The anticipation builds in the air. Eyes light up. Your family brims with joy because you’re baking again. 

… Then, the look of pure bliss on their faces... As they bite into your latest sourdough creation, which tastes of “Heaven”.
You smile…

A proud and peaceful smile, because your delicious sourdough is a superfood for their health.
By far – This is the best bread they’ve ever tasted. (And unless you tell them it’s gluten free, they’ll never even know!)
But beyond all of the health benefits…

And beyond all the joys of delicious baking…

You smile because you love the atmosphere this creates… How it makes your home feel… How your baking creates new magical experiences… 

And new ways for those you love to connect.

The Easy Way Or The Hard Way?

Now – Please, read this page carefully. 

Because this is important for your sourdough journey…

Now that I’ve helped thousands of bakers to succeed. I’ve seen time, and time again – There is…

The “easy way” of doing things.

Simple steps which are “your shortcut” to sourdough heaven. The “recipe for success”, which will save you from having to deal with…
The “hard way”. 

And because I’ve now seen the “sourdough learning curve” thousands of times. I’ve seen all the unnecessary mistakes – And how you can avoid them.

That’s why I’ve put this page together for you.

To ensure your start to sourdough baking is smooth sailing – I want to give you my insights from supporting so many other bakers to succeed…

And that’s why I’ve carefully curated this “Shortcut Selection” of gluten free sourdough baking kits for you to choose from.

100% Customer Success Mission

You see, I take customer success very seriously.

That’s why I always follow up with you by email to find out how you’re doing. And find ways to help you further…

I’m always looking to support you. To make your sourdough baking experience even better. And to make it easier for you to get the best results.
That’s just one of the reasons we have thousands of 5 star reviews!!

Because our mission is for every single student to get sourdough success. We are committed to paying very close attention to any problems you might face.

And now – from years of experience in doing this – We’ve seen the problems new bakers face fall into 3 major categories. 

So if you know what these problems are - You can choose how you want to avoid them.

#1 “Starter” From Scratch

The “sourdough starter” is the #1 reason for sourdough failure.

Your starter is a live fermented culture. It is the foundation of all your sourdough baking. So if your starter isn’t right. Your sourdough can’t work.

And yes, “it is possible'' to make your own starter from scratch – But also “it is the hard way” of doing things.

It requires a lot of patience. And caring for it can be very tricky. 

Often, before a homemade starter is mature enough to use – You might have had to wait for weeks, (and weeks)!!
It demands consistent commitment 
… Which, without the proper gear is more difficult. As you constantly have to remember to feed it… When you last fed it… And how it’s changed since then…

It’s often confusing! 

… With all sorts of “odd behavior” along the way. Almost like your sourdough starter has its own personality!! 

Which is why struggling bakers worry if their starter “hates them” !? 

… Or even – If they killed it !!?

And then after all of that… 

If your starter isn’t healthy – You will suffer from dodgy flavors and downright disappointing bread.

#2 Kitchen Chaos

Next, it’s time to bake. 

But if you lack “the right tools” for the job…

Instead of blissful baking – Everything is more difficult. And tends to quickly get sticky and messy..

… Trust me. It’s no fun to bake while a silent alarm of kitchen chaos rings… As you try to bake with “bits and bobs” which are clearly meant for other things…

… It’s more difficult to bake that way. It creates a combination of challenges which can lead to dull, hard, dead bread.
  • Like struggling to cut the right measurements…
  • Or failing to mix enough air into the dough…
  • Then misshapen flat loaves with uneven rising…
This ruins both the taste and the texture of your crust and crumb – And often means “ugly bread”!!

Which is a real killjoy for everyone – Ruining both your baking experience. And your sourdough recipes.

#3 Out Of Steam

It’s normally around this point that new bakers try to buy the basic tools and ingredients – But now, weeks later, they’re already pretty fed up. 

They no longer have time or patience for…
😫 The hassles and time suck of investigating and “figuring out” where to get the right tools.
😤 The headaches, from doubts about “the right combination” of ingredients. Including what substitutes you can and can’t use.
🤬 Plus, how sometimes the stores don’t have what you need… Or don’t have economic quantities – Which means you waste your time and money, repeatedly buying little bits here and there.

“... Is There a Shortcut?... ”

“I just ran out of time” – is some of the saddest feedback we hear. 

How all of those problems get in your way. And stop you from ever falling in love with the joys of sourdough baking... 

How all of that means that you and your loved ones never experience the beauty of baking (and sharing!) the delicious, healthy, gluten-free sourdough recipes you deserve.
💔 …“So upsetting”…
Some bread-lovers never even get the chance to give it a go. 

They loved the idea… 

But because they were simply “too busy” to get the right ingredients and equipment they needed…. 

They “never got the chance” to experience the passion of making these recipes for themselves.

… In fact – One member of our community summed it up perfectly when she emailed to ask us:
“Can’t you just send me everything I need in a box!?”

– What A Brilliant Idea!! –

That started a lot of conversations and deep questions with the team here at Bloom Healthy… 

So we put our chef hats down, and our thinking hats on – Rolled up our sleeves, and got to work – To create something truly special for you…
After months of hard work and dedication – We’ve managed to curate a selection of beautiful value-packed ways to take away all of your headaches… hassles… and time delays… 

So now – You can simply choose your shortcut!!

And enjoy the “easy way” to fall deeply in love with the passion of gluten-free sourdough baking.

On This Page Only… 

I’m thrilled to invite you to choose from a very special “Welcome Selection” of Gluten-Free Sourdough baking Kits.

We’ve put all of this together in a way that empowers you. So you’re fully in control of your Sourdough journey.

Now you can simply choose what’s best for you.

The “Shortcut Selection” of 
Gluten-Free Sourdough Baking Kits

You don’t need to learn the hard way!! 
You don’t need to suffer a slow, difficult, or drawn out learning curve.

Simply select your “shortcut” to sourdough baking heaven!!
These are your shortcuts to baking sourdough with control – So your bread is instantly beautiful…

… Stunning to look at… Delightful to smell… With all of the true taste and texture… The beautiful flavors of sourdough – Exactly how it should feel.

But it’s more than just the bread!!
These are the shortcuts to enjoyable baking experiences!! 

… Giving you calm confidence in what you’re doing – and how that bubbles over into excitement for everyone who gets to see you bake!!

… These shortcuts will make sourdough feel like magic in your home… Allowing everyone to fall in love with how you bake. 

So you can skip straight to sharing special sourdough moments with your family and friends.

Perfect home starter kit to make beautiful artisan bread. Don’t hesitate. I didn’t even know I needed a dough whisk until this one arrived! I use the white scraper to clean off my counters from extra flour left behind, which is a bonus. And love the lame and the blades are thin and flexible so that they can be curved to give that 45-degree angle score. Perfect for an amateur baker!
– Sarah, Los Angeles

I am very new to sourdough bread baking. I just made my first sourdough starter this past week. When my family and friends saw my finished breads, they all said they looked so beautiful and professional and they tasted amazing!!! The basket markings on the bread were so amazing and the loaf had a perfectly cracked top when finished. Happiness!! Highly recommend this!
– Charlotte, Boston

This is an easy way to start your own sourdough starter. The band around the jar reminds you when to feed it. It also allows you to see when your starter is the most active. Such a simple system & so easy to use.
– Penelope, Baltimore

Part 1 – Starter Kit

What if you had a magical “Sourdough Genie”?

… a “Genie in a bottle” who would grant all your sourdough wishes.

Well that’s what our customers call this starter!! Their very own “Genie in a bottle” – that makes every sourdough wish come true.
… We’ve done extensive research and trials before finally choosing this starter for you. So with absolute confidence we can say – You’ll love its “personality!!”
This starter is incredibly forgiving and friendly – So even if you have zero sourdough experience. You’ll find this incredibly easy to work with. 

Simply add water and gluten-free flour, then within a few short days…
You’ll have a fully flavored, active and mature culture – Happily bubbling away and ready to bake with. Complete with that perfect sour “tang” that tastes *mwah* – amazing!!

And there’s no need to worry “where’s he going to live?”...

Because you’re also getting this “genius” starter bottle – the perfect home for your new sourdough friend.

Designed by a team of bakers – To make sourdough baking more practical, amidst the daily challenges of a busy modern life. 

It has dream features that make this perfect… 
  • Like a built-in thermometer – So you know the true temperature of your starter…
  • ​And a clever measure and feeding system… 
  • ​Which lets you see exactly when you last fed your starter, and how much he’s grown since then…
And then – There’s the “customers favorite” feature…
  • You’re going to love his “cute hat”, (the fabric bottle-cap for his home). Which allows your starter to breathe while keeping him safe!
… (We get tons of feedback from customers who love this feature!! Guaranteed to invite curious conversations from your friends when they come to visit). 

This truly is the easy way to nurture and care for your sourdough starter.

#2 Feel Like A Sourdough Pro

Baking is not just about the bread…

It’s about the journey – as well as the destination.
… It’s about the passion and joy that comes with your baking experience… About how it feels… Because when everything comes together for you – Baking is beautiful… 

It creates a serene, happy place… a grounded meditation-like experience of peace and calm. The sense of deep contentment when you have everything under control…

Full with the confidence that your next loaf will be (yet another) masterpiece your family loves. And these are the tools that will help you. 

You’ll love how they make your dough so much easier to work with – And allow you to keep your kitchen feeling clean and under control while you bake.
  • With quality banneton baskets, your bread takes the proper shape - which allows it to rise in the right way, giving it the proper texture and taste.
  • With a sturdy Danish whisk, it’s a breeze to whip the right consistency of air into your dough…
  • With a proper scoring guide, and lame with razor sharp blades - you’ll score artistic ears that best allow for your loaf to expand when it bakes…
  • ​Yes – This means you’ll create very pretty artisan patterns on your loaves, which make them that much more appealing – But it also changes the shape, texture and taste too!
Simply put… 
These tools make it easier to master sourdough from day one. 
They shortcut your journey to sharing delicious sourdough with your family. And make your entire baking experience an absolute delight.

All For You

All of this saves you from wasting time and money… And from a lot of hassle.

Instead of losing weeks, just to then to waste more time fiddling around on the internet. You can just simply choose whichever of the following options best suits you now.

That way your dream box will be at your door in a flash – Simply open the box, and fall in love with the joys of sourdough baking – The easy way.
These kits take all of the mystery and struggle out of sourdough..
Allowing you to experience the magic of your delicious new healthy hobby. And open all of its heartwarming gifts in your family home.

The reason we’ve put so much effort into making it this easy for you – is because we want to ensure you fall in love with sourdough baking - from the very start.
We appreciate that you’re probably already busy with life. 

And we know this is the best way for you to share the joys of sourdough baking with those you love… Instead of this just being another “nice idea” that never happened.

I have used my sourdough baking kit every week since receiving it, and I could not be happier! The plastic scraper is a very handy tool when removing my no-knead sourdough from the bowl after the dough has risen overnight. I love the Banneton - now it’s easy to make beautiful bread which is the right shape and tastes great. Definitely worth the money if you want to reproduce an artisan style loaf.
– Sophia, Chicago

Great Product! Fast delivery! Excellent Quality! Every Sourdough starter is different. This one was ready fast. i Definitely Recommend it if you're a beginner. PS: Most starters from scratch take 2 to 6 weeks to get going. This was ready to bake with in just over 1 week.
– Maxi, Rome

This was perfect for helping me get started in making sourdough breads. Every must have feature is in this package. If you're just starting out and not sure where to start this is the product you want. Helps keep everything in a nice tidy spot and easy to monitor your starters progress.
– Lauren, Seattle

Let’s Recap

You’re getting a lot here!!

So let’s recap – 

You’ve already got The Complete Gluten Free Sourdough Bakers Bundle!! (Yay!!). And so with that you have everything you need to know to go from zero to brilliant!!
And now you’re about to choose your perfect way to get started…

Simply select which of these dream Gluten Free Sourdough Baking Kits you want to have shipped directly to your door. 

Next Steps

Now you’re probably thinking something like…

“Sounds great – How do I get my hands on this!?”

So let’s switch gears here.

I’ve done all of the hard work here for you...
By extensively searching for the best selection of ingredients and equipment. I’ve found a way to source and package everything today and pass on ALL OF THE SAVINGS TO YOU!!

That’s right… 

We’re only doing all of this because our mission is 100% student success! 
And from supporting thousands of other students. I know these kits are the best way to see you succeed. 

These kits will save you a small fortune vs. trying to pull it all together on your own. 

(Not to mention all of the additional time, hassles and shipping costs that comes with having to figure all that out for yourself).
So you can shortcut to the king of luxury sourdough baking - normally exclusively available in expensive high end bakers

Here’s your shortcut to sharing healthy sourdough magic with your family and friends – which in the words of many of our customers is “priceless”.

Only Available Today

But I need to tell you…

These Sourdough Baking Kits are only available at this price on this page now. 

And I cannot promise if they will be available later. 

There’s a lot of work involved in pulling these together. And because our capacity is limited. Our stocks are limited. 

That’s why we created this opportunity to you...

To get both the step-by-step training and all of the tools and ingredients you might need to bake the perfect loaf.
That’s why you’re seeing this now. Because these kits are specifically designed and reserved to help you enjoy the best start possible. 

And because you’re seeing this page now. That means we’ve at least got one more in stock. Ready and waiting with your name on it.

All you have to do to claim your kit now – Is simply click on one of the buttons below. We’ll immediately add it to your order, and have it on its way to you.

Choose Your “Shortcut” To Sourdough Baking

The “Easy Baking Experience” Shortcut

In addition to everything in the “Sourdough Starter”. 
You’re also getting…

  • Banneton 9-inch Round Proofing Basket
  • Banneton 9-inch Oval Proofing Basket
  • Danish Whisk
  • ​Bowl and Dough Scraper
  • ​Dough Measurement Blade
  • ​Bread Lame with 5 Blades

Today Only $157


The Ultimate Sourdough Bundle

In addition to everything in the “Easy Sourdough Baking Experience” Kit. 
You’re also getting…

Cast Iron Bread Oven

Bake perfect sourdough and artisan loaves with our Cast Iron Bread Oven!

Specifically crafted for bread baking, this beautifully designed Dutch oven creates an ideal baking environment with even heat distribution and steam retention for a golden, crispy crust and a delightful crumb.

  • Premium Cast Iron Construction
  • Enameled Finish & Rust Free
  • ​Designed for Bread Baking
  • ​Versatile & Elegant Design
  • Plus: everything in the Sourdough Baking Kit (Valued at $157)
  • Free Gift 1: Special Edition Hardcover Copy Of The Gluten-Free Sourdough cookbook (Valued at $47)

Today Only $247

Satisfaction Guarantee

And of course – All of this comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. That way you are fully in control. And empowered to choose what’s best for you. 

If for whatever reason you change your mind, or if there is anything at all that you don’t like about this kit – We’re more than happy to give you a full refund.
Simply email us to let us know, and return the kits to us within 60 days. And we’ll refund you in full, instantly. 

We’ll even refund you for your digital bundle too - as a way of saying thanks for giving gluten free sourdough a go.

Which sounds pretty fair if you ask me!

I love baking bread because I know exactly what’s in my bread and really cannot stand the flavor of big brand pre packaged breads loaded with preservatives. 

Having the right tools just makes it that much easier to make a perfect loaf. I love these kits. Proofing my bread in the Banneton is quick and easy, my loaves rise beautifully. And now I’m getting into sourdough breads, this is where a Banneton really helps as it shapes the loaves perfectly. From my experience so far I believe these will last me years and that is with constant use. Thank you.
– Emily, New York 

At first I really didn't want to spend any extra money on fancy tools, as I was skeptical it could make such a big difference. But this basket and lame gave me the dark crispy crust with good ears that I couldn't get another way. Even my kids noticed - They love it!
– Mia, San Francisco 

I bought the full kit and I could not be more pleased! I’ve been baking sourdough for a while, and had been proofing my artisan sourdough bread in a bowl with a tea towel, which was ok sometimes. But I knew I wanted to bake better sourdough. So I decided to step up my game with the starter kit, plus the tools and proofing basket. I bought one and loved it so much that I got a second one as a gift for my cousin. Easy to give you a very professional looking finish on your bread. All in all, a good purchase. I highly recommend it and would (and did) buy it again myself.
– Olivia, Miami

I can now vouch for this sourdough baking kit personally. My favorite bit is the lame to score the top before popping in the oven gives it the final touch. Would recommend these tools to sourdough bakers. An easy way to make your bread look like it was bought at a fancy bakery.
– Isabella, Seattle

Always Here For You

And of course…

If you have any questions at any time – please email me and the team at for support. 

We’re here for you and fully committed to your every success with sourdough!!

We truly want you to fall in love with every aspect of gluten free sourdough baking. And to share your new found superpowers with everyone who is important in your life.

Email us at any time – And together with the team, we’ll do everything we can to see you succeed.

Why I’m Doing All Of this For You

I want the best for you.

And now, from supporting thousands of new and progressing bakers… 

I’ve seen time and time again that having the right knowledge, tools and support is the best way for you to succeed.
All of this is designed to make everything as easy and enjoyable as possible for you.

I know how important it is to support you in baking beautiful sourdough bread with confidence – now, while your enthusiasm and curiosity is high. 

And avoid the risk of a bad start… which often leads to fears.. frustrations.. and the doubts that can stop you from ever enjoying gluten free sourdough.
Because you deserve to enjoy truly healthy delicious bread - And to enjoy how much better you feel in your body when you eat that way. 

You deserve to enjoy and share magical experiences together with those you love. And that’s my greatest wish for you.
You deserve to enjoy and share magical experiences together with those you love. And that’s my greatest wish for you.

So go ahead. - choose whichever Sourdough baking kit is best for you now. 

And we’ll continue our conversation via email to see you’re fully confident with everything you need.

To your delicious best health,

Remember – I’m here for you in anything you need. Just pop me an email at any time.

Please – Take action on this page now. Because I can only share this offer today, on this page only. So go ahead and click whichever button is best for you.

And of course. If you change your mind for any reason whatsoever, you’re fully protected by my 60 day 100% money back guarantee. 

I’ve done all of this because I truly want the very best for you and for those you love.

Happy baking!

Choose Your “Shortcut” To Sourdough Baking

The “Easy Baking Experience” Shortcut

In addition to everything in the “Sourdough Starter”. 
You’re also getting…

  • Banneton 9-inch Round Proofing Basket
  • Banneton 9-inch Oval Proofing Basket
  • Danish Whisk
  • ​Bowl and Dough Scraper
  • ​Dough Measurement Blade
  • ​Bread Lame with 5 Blades

Today Only $157

Holiday Special 

The Ultimate Sourdough Bundle

In addition to everything in the “Easy Sourdough Baking Experience” Kit. 
You’re also getting…

Cast Iron Bread Oven

Bake perfect sourdough and artisan loaves with our Cast Iron Bread Oven!

Specifically crafted for bread baking, this beautifully designed Dutch oven creates an ideal baking environment with even heat distribution and steam retention for a golden, crispy crust and a delightful crumb.

  • Premium Cast Iron Construction
  • Enameled Finish & Rust Free
  • ​Designed for Bread Baking
  • ​Versatile & Elegant Design
  • Plus: everything in the Sourdough Baking Kit (Valued at $157)
  • Free Gift 1: Special Edition Hardcover Copy Of The Gluten-Free Sourdough cookbook (Valued at $47)

Today Only $247

Frequently Asked Questions

When Will My Kit Be At My Door?

If you live within the US, everything will be with you in 3-4 working days.
For international deliveries, please allow for up to 12 working days.

What If I Don’t Like It?

You can have a full refund – just email within 60 days of purchase, and return the complete kit in its original packaging. We’ll be happy to quickly give you a full refund.

What If I Change My Mind?

No worries – Just simply email within 60 days of purchase to let us know, and return the complete kit in its original packaging. We’ll be happy to quickly give you a full refund.

Is This All Gluten Free?

Yes – We only use 100% gluten free ingredients in all of the recipes in this course. That’s part of what makes these recipes, and this course, so special. 

Is This Suitable For Vegans?

Yes – All recipes are either vegan friendly, or suggest vegan substitutions.

©2024 Bloom Healthy Cooking. All rights reserved.